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Third Fleet Hqtrs.


The portraits of the officers and crew of USS PHOENIX (NCC 2315) appearing on these pages are the work of LCDR QaS, Engineering Systems Officer. They were colorized by LT Adam Brannon, Shuttle Operations Officer.

On behalf of the Starships of the Third Fleet, I wish to extend my sincere thanks and a wholehearted BRAVO ZULU to both LCDR QaS and LT Brannon for their talents and efforts.

Each department on the PHOENIX is listed to the left. If you click on the department name, you will be taken to a page which tells you what that department does aboard the ship and lists every crewmember in that department.

Clicking on the crewmember’s name (for example, Captain T.E. Lawrence on the Command Department page) will take you to that character’s biography sheet. The biography sheet describes the character, tells you about his/her personality, history, and includes a physical description. In addition, there is a small, colored portrait of the character. If you click on the picture, a larger version will appear, which will enable you to view the portrait in greater detail.